Row Basin Fisheries Fund Grant Program
The Row Basin Technical Oversight Committee is thrilled to announce the launch of the Row Basin Fisheries Fund!
These funds will be used to improve aquatic habitat in the Mosby Creek and Row River Watersheds. Proposed actions must provide clear benefit for native fish such as cutthroat trout, winter steelhead, spring Chinook, and Pacific lamprey.
During the permitting process for the Dorena Lake Dam hydroelectro retrofit, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife required that Symbiotics Inc (now Riverbank Power) provide a cash settlement to mitigate for impacts of the project. The Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council was identified as the funds manager of these settlement dollars. In preparation for this responsibility, we convened the Row Basin Technical Oversight Committee in 2012. Together with many local partner organizations, we are proud to announce a formal grant application process for the expenditure of these funds.
The Row River and Mosby Creek Watersheds are high priority areas for habitat restoration. The Council and its partners have focused habitat restoration efforts in Mosby Creek since 2007 and in the Lower Row River since 2008. The availability of aquatic habitat restoration funding is invaluable for this important watershed.
Row River Technical Oversight Committee
This body formed in 2012 in preparation for the responsibility of allocating the settlement funds upon availability. The publicly available agendas and minutes are here. Committee members are from the following partner organizations. Those with a contact person listed are willing to receive inquiries about grant applications or potential projects.
Bureau of Land Management
City of Cottage Grove
Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council
Project development assistance may be available for this and other grant programs through the Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council. Submit a Project Inquiry Form and our staff will contact you to schedule a site visit. Questions? Call (541) 767-9717. Project Inquiry Form
Lane County
McKenzie River Trust
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Shannon Richardson (541) 726-3515 x28
Riverbank Power
Umpqua National Forest
Tedd Huffman (541) 957-3356