Silk Creek flows into the mainstem Coast Fork Willamette within the City limits of Cottage Grove and has some of the only remaining floodplain in the lower reach. The stability of the creek and the integrity of the remaining native understory his area is being threatened by invasive vegetation such as Blackberry, English ivy, Japanese knotweed, reed canary grass and arum.
Manual removal of English ivy; brush cutting and grubbing of blackberry followed by quarterly mowing to treat remnants as well as secondary invaders like teasel. Digging and sheet mulching of a small knotweed patch also occurred. After the invasive species removal, 239 Trees and shrubs were installed of 23 different species to shade and expansion of floodplain forest, shade invasive to reduce infestation and to increase diversity to support native wildlife. The landowner will conduct follow up watering and maintenance of the plants.
The riparian zone expanded considerably into the open field and control of the infestation is noticeable. In addition to improving her own riparian areas, the landowner held an open house to inform others about the threat English ivy poses on riparian areas in her neighborhood.