Mosby Creek has unique potential, if restored, provide spawning habitat for spring Chinook salmon and improved spawning and rearing habitat for cutthroat trout. During the 2008 Aquatic Inventory, ODFW evaluated the mainstem of the creek and identified the lack of large woody debris (instream structure) as a major limiting factor. They also documented the young age of the riparian zone through the majority of its extent (40-80 years) and the warm temperatures in the creek.
We recruited the rural residential landowners into watershed projects where they will start riparian improvements. Project development focused almost exclusively on riparian shade. BLM is willing to support with logs. There was an ivy removal work party in May 2009. We started working with ODFW to place fish traps in six tributaries to Mosby Creek. The annual friends of Mosby Creek picnic continued to connect rural landowners and educated them about riparian areas.
Each picnic has been attended by 25-50 people. This grant supported our picnic in 2009 and 2010. This answers neighbors’ concerns about natural resource issues that they may have. The Friends of Mosby Creek were instrumental in helping develop contact strategies and research inaccuracy in the taxlot data. Site visit and discussions were conducted at priority sites where it was evident that there was both landowner interest and a potential project.