Join us on May 23 at the Axe & Fiddle for this month’s Science on Tap! Have a pint with the watershed council and the people we work with while enjoying great food, trivia, and more! Free to enter, and 10% of all sales benefit the CFWWC.
Featuring a special presentation on “Native Fishes of the Upper Willamette and Fishy Volunteer Opportunities” by Martyne Reesman, STEP/Assistant District Fisheries Biologist at Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife!
“Recognizing that volunteers can play an important role in the restoration of native stocks of salmon and trout, the Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) in 1981.
Since then, thousands of volunteers have assisted Oregon’s fisheries through their involvement in STEP. Volunteers have completed stream habitat restoration work, conducted surveys, helped with education projects, and hatched and reared several million salmon and trout eggs—all because they care about fish and fish habitat.”
The Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council (CFWWC) hosts a family-friendly monthly public meeting series called Science on Tap on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm at the Axe & Fiddle, 657 E. Main Street in Cottage Grove. The event begins with informal socializing, trivia, and updates about the watershed and watershed council. The Science on Tap presentation begins at 6pm. CFWWC receives 10% of all sales from the evening between 5-7:30pm. The event is free to the public, with a $5 donation suggested.